Special Events

  • In The Spotlight,  Slices of Life,  Special Events

    Star Stable: How to Combine Your Love of Horses (and your laptop) into a Thriving Career

    According to the American Horse Council, 38 million households contain at least one horse enthusiast, with 150,000 equestrians getting their start through Pony Club. You may already be thinking about a future career that incorporates your love of horses, such as a veterinarian or a riding instructor. But let me ask you this: have you ever imagined a career that combines your love of horses and your interest in your laptop?  For example, you could become a video game designer who creates horses for players around the world. After all, the video game industry offers several highly desirable opportunities to combine two favorite pastimes and turn them into an exciting…

  • In The Spotlight,  Pony Club Love,  Special Events

    Lake Shore Region and the Flash Teamwork Award

    The Lake Shore Region was one of six finalists for the 2017 Flash Teamwork Award. Follow along as they share their display of comraderie. Submitted by: Denita Schreier, Club Treasurer of Fox River Pony Club in the Lake Shore Region Teamwork and team spirit was spectacularly displayed at the Midwest Horse Fair in April 2017 to show thousands of attendees the WONDERFUL WORLD of the United States Pony Clubs. How did the Lake Shore Region Pony Clubs showcase ten mounts, ten plus riders, eight disciplines, and thirteen pony club chapters at the largest three day horse fair in America? Teamwork! The Midwest Horse Fair held in Madison, Wisconsin has been…

  • In The Spotlight,  Pony Club Love,  Special Events

    Ms. Bebe Brown- Flash Teamwork Nominee

    Lexi Pejnovic, C-3 Traditional Horsemasters member of Mobile Bay Pony Club in the Deep South Region sent in this lovely submission for the 2017 Flash Teamwork Award. Ms. Bebe Brown has had a grand impact on many Pony Club members and displays great sportsmanship and teamwork skills as described by Lexi. The flash award recipient should be one that epitomizes Pony Club. My nominee is Ms. Bebe Brown of Plantation’s Pride Pony Club in the Deep South Region. I met Ms. Bebe as she is affectionately known in the Deep South Region in 1986 at my first Pony Club Championships at the Kentucky Horse Park. Her daughter Nicola was on…

  • Alumni in the News,  Annual Meetings,  In The Spotlight,  Special Events

    2018 Academy of Achievement and National Youth Congress Inductees Announced!

    Every year at the Equine Symposium and Convention hosted by USPC, The National Youth Congress (NYC) convenes for three days. NYC began in 1998 to recognize outstanding Pony Club Members. The NYC delegates are selected by their regions and are provided the opportunity to learn valuable life leadership skills to help them navigate their futures. This year at the 20th Anniversary Celebration 24 delegates were a part of the three-day Congress. Charlotte Arrouye— Pacific Ridge Pony Club, Middle California Region Katherine Bartelt— Dune Riders Pony Club, Lake Shore Region Ryder Black— Woodbrook Hunt Pony Club, Northwest Region Rebekah Bond— Portuguese Bend Pony Club, Camino Real Ryleigh Brown— Bath Pony Club,…

  • Alumni in the News,  Annual Meetings,  In The Spotlight,  Special Events

    Founders Awards Presented at the 2018 Equine Symposium and Convention Hosted by USPC

    During the 2018 USPC Equine Symposium and Convention held January 24-28 in Louisville, Kentucky, four individuals were awarded the Founders’ Award, an honor reserved for Pony Club’s most worthy volunteers. This prestigious award is made each year to those who have made a significant contribution to Pony Club at the Local or Regional and National Levels over a period of 20 years or more. The recipients of the Founders Awards for 2018 are:Tom Adams, Kimberly Cranford, Cathy Frederickson, and Anne H. Husted. Tom Adams. Tom began Pony Club as a parent in 1990, becoming a Jt-DC of the Tennessee Valley Pony Club in 1992 and DC in 1993 and 1994.…

  • Pony Club Love,  Special Events

    Rider Athletic Camp at the US Olympic Center

    Have you ever wanted to ride and train like an Olympian? Share in the Olympic experience this year! For the first time ever, the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) and Coach Daniel Steward have gotten together to create equestrian athlete training camps for riders of any age, riding level, and discipline. The clinics are held at the US Olympic Training Centers in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Sarasota, Florida. Most camps run Friday to Monday with a Friday night dinner and welcome reception. Tuition includes all meals in the athletes dinning hall and shared-accommodations in the athlete dorms from Friday night to Monday afternoon. Each day begins at 7AM with a…

  • I Ride! - Pony Club Discipline News,  Polocrosse,  Special Events

    Festival is Coming! Got Racket? Got Polocrosse!

    Basic Info: Qualify at your Regional Rally and meet the following criteria: Fine Print: • Age as of January 1, 2017, certification as of closing date of qualifying rally. Entrant must have competed in the qualifying rally at the certification required for that division/discipline. • All Championships Competitors must be in compliance with USPC Policy #1002, Member in Good Standing. • B/H-A/A competitors are invited to compete with the permission of the RS

  • Play Games,  Pony Club Love,  Special Events

    IMGE Recap 5

    Early in the fall the International Mounted Games team went to Australia to visit and compete representing the United States Pony Clubs, Inc. The following blog posts are recaps from some of the members of the team. Enjoy! For more information on this or any of the International Exchanges offered in Pony Club, click HERE IMGE 2016 essay by Cathie Mcleod When I was young in Pony Club, I always heard about the cool things you could do if you stuck with it. Right about the time I joined Pony Club, a member of my club was invited to be on the Inter-Pacific Exchange team, and hearing about her adventures…

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