Virtual Quiz FAQs

Pony Club’s Virtual Quiz Rally is coming up soon, on Feb. 27 – 28, 2021. This event offers Pony Club members the opportunity to participate in an interactive and educational competition, all from the comfort and safety of home. As with any new competition format, lots of questions arise. We hope the following information will help answer those questions.
What Equipment Do I Need?
Access to the internet through a stable connection on an individual device with a camera is required for all competitors. Use of Zoom, Google Docs, and the Pheed Loop virtual event platform will be necessary for participation. Get additional details about system and bandwidth requirements here.
How Will the Event Work?
During this one-day competition, you’ll have a chance to show off your team’s knowledge and skills by participating in each of the five regular Quiz phases.
Each team competes while joining an individual Zoom room. Each room includes a team proctor, who stays with them for the duration of the competition, and phase-specific quiz masters who come and go based on the schedule. Outside of designated competition times, participants are encouraged to connect with their fellow participants in the platform’s networking areas.
Competitors will be given the opportunity to inquire on scores and final placings will be announced at the end of the day. Ribbons will be awarded to all teams and the top ten individuals in each division will be recognized.
How Can I Participate?
Registration is open to all current USPC members through February 11, 2021, with entries priced at $45 per competitor.
Competition Divisions Offered

More Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many phases are included?
A: Competitors will participate in all five Quiz phases: Barn, Classroom, Mega-Room, Stations, and Written Test.
Q: Will this be a team or individual competition?
A: As with all Pony Club competitions, the Virtual Quiz Rally is a team competition, with ribbons for each team. The top placing individuals of each competition division will also be recognized.
Q: How many people make up a team?
A: Teams are comprised of three or four teammates per Article 23 of the rulebook.
Q: Are scrambled teams allowed?
A: Yes! When registering, competitors can note their preferred teammates. Teammates must be of the same competition division, which means that some competitors may have to compete up.
Q: Can I register as an individual?
A: Yes! Individuals are encouraged to register. Teams will be scrambled based on division, club/center, and region.
Q: How long is the competition?
A: All divisions will compete on a single day. Tentatively, the Senior D and all C divisions will compete on Saturday, Feb. 27, and the Novice and Junior D divisions will compete on Sunday, Feb. 28. Please note the schedule may change based on entry numbers.
Q: I live in Alaska, and I see the competition schedule mentions EST. How will different time zones be handled?
A: Each team’s competition schedule will take into account their time zones. Please make sure to review your schedule carefully and double-check times.
Q: I am seeking eligibility for the 2021 Festival Quiz Championships. Will participation in this competition make me eligible?
A: Possibly! Members who meet the minimum age and certification requirements of the Championships divisions who participate in this rally will earn eligibility for Quiz Championships 2021.
Register or learn more about the USPC Virtual Quiz Rally here. Questions can be sent to [email protected].
Read more on the blog: https://blog.ponyclub.org/2020/12/16/virtual-quiz-is-a-reality/