Get Organized at the Barn

By Madelyn Gibbs, USPC National Youth Board

Coming into the new year is exciting but it can also be stressful looking at all of the things to do for the upcoming season. From planning your show schedule to getting the barn clean and organized, things can add up quickly.

My favorite thing to do at the start of the new year is go through all of my things and do a purge. It’s very easy to collect lots of things throughout the year that end up being junk. One thing that is often overlooked is your medical supplies. Going through your equine and human first aid kits to make sure they are all ready for the new year should be high priority. It is the worst feeling to need something only to discover you used it months ago! 

Follow these tips from the USPC National Youth Board to prepare for the upcoming season.
Clean and organize your first aid kit supplies at the beginning of the season.

The second thing I like to do is to sort through all my bottles of different products to see what I need to restock and what can be thrown away. I never knew how many empty bottles one could collect over a year!

The third thing that I do at the beginning of the year is go through my horse trailer. Going through your trailer and doing an in-depth inspection is a super important task. Checking the flooring can mean the difference in thousands of dollars in vet bills further down the road.

Lastly, it’s important to look at the show schedule for the year so you can plan your horse’s fitness. Making a conditioning plan early ensures that you can be 100% prepared for the first show of the season. 

The National Youth Board (NYB) serves as a liaison between Pony Club’s youth members and the Board of Governors by communicating the needs, ideas, and concerns of USPC youth. NYB members also work with the national office on projects related to marketing, leadership development, and service for the benefit of the organization and all Pony Club members. Delegates of the NYB are between 18 – 23 years of age, highly motivated and dedicated, and have strong leadership and communication skills. To learn more, log in and visit the National Youth Board page

The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. (USPC or Pony Club) is the largest equestrian educational organization in North America. Started in 1954, the organization has developed curriculum that teaches safe riding skills and the care of horses through mounted and unmounted lessons. Through Pony Club, members have fun with horses and make lifelong friends while they develop skills, habits, and values that extend well beyond the barn and last a lifetime. Many members apply what they have learned in the USPC program successfully in their careers, educational and volunteer opportunities, and other life pursuits.

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