NYB Spotlight: Jessica and Brittany Flores
by Jessica Flores
Jessica Flores and Brittany Flores have long shared memories and experiences together, being twins that were always both interested in horses and involved in the USPC. However, their NYB experience together was one of the most memorable and best ones yet. Here is their story written by NYB Chair, Jessica Flores:
The NYB was not something I had considered at first, as it was Brittany’s thing, but when she encouraged me to apply last minute, I decided to apply just a week before the application was due! When it was announced I would be joining the NYB I was beyond excited, but I never expected it to lead to what it did. We grew closer and had amazing leadership experiences together. We collaborated on unique projects and brought awareness to so many of the phenomenal opportunities the USPC has to offer, while sharing all of those memories together. Brittany’s experience the year before helped me feel more confident, leading me to believe taking on the Chair position was something I was capable of and wanted to do. Our experiences on the NYB gave us a greater sense of purpose in the USPC and grew our professional mindset in not only the USPC, but life. I know I speak for us both when I say we would both do it all again in a heartbeat.