Pony Club Member Spotlight: Ashlyn H.
Age: 18
Club/Region: Dune Riders Pony Club / Lakeshore Region
Years in Pony Club: 2
Current Certification/Certification working on: I am a C-1 HM and D-3 Eventing, currently working towards C-2 HM and C-1 Dressage
What disciplines and/or activities are you involved in?
With my current mares, we do Hunter/Equitation and Dressage. I am also on the Lakeshore Region Youth Board and Dune Riders New Member Coordinator.
Tell us about your current mount(s) and what you do with them:
I currently own two horses. Bristol is an 11-year-old Saddlebred-cross. At the moment, we are focusing on improving our dressage work and taking some time off from jumping. Milk is a coming 5-year-old, whose birthday is June 15. She is a 13-hand Welsh Pony. She was broke out this past winter, and I recently bought her in the beginning of March, so we have just been working on the basics and taking it nice and slow with her.
Tell us about your goals:
I like to learn as much as I can; I find it super fun and interesting. Plus the more I know, the better I can be prepared in case something were to happen. For riding, I have come to really enjoy dressage, and I am excited to progress in that. I also quite like working with green horses and seeing how they progress throughout training and how rewarding that is; so I hope to do more of that in the future.
What is your favorite thing about Pony Club?
It has brought me a lot of opportunities that I would have not been able to access without it. I have met so many cool people who have helped me and my horses. I also like that education is a big part of Pony Club and that learning is always being encouraged and supported by fellow members.
What is one thing you would tell younger members first joining Pony Club?
It might seem very intimidating at first meeting a whole new group of people, however, they are there to help you though your Pony Club journey, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and get involved.

What is your favorite way to prep for a Horse Management certification?
I really enjoy listening to educational podcasts while I drive. Studying with my barn friends until late at night at the barn is also a super-fun time.
If you could try out any other discipline or activity, what would it be and why?
I think Mounted Games would be super fun to try out. It just looks like everyone and their ponies are always having a good time. Now that I have a pony of my own, I will definitely be trying it out in the future.
Favorite Pony Club memory:
My favorite Pony Club memory was probably when I was a stable manager for my first rally. I got to meet so many more Pony Club members. Everyone was so nice and helpful. Our team got first in Show Jumping and Horse Management. It was a great experience for my first rally, and I will definitely do more in the future.
What makes you #PonyClubProud?
I like how connected everyone is and how they are willing to help anyone out who needs it. It gives opportunities to teach and learn from a young age that helps you prepare for things you’ll experience later in life. Pony Club also helps build confidence and kind leaders in their communities.
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