Member Spotlight: Kensey D.
Age: 16
Club/Region: Bay Leaf Pony Club/Sunshine Region
Years in Pony Club: 6
Current certification (and/or certification currently working on): C-1 Eventing; C-1 HM

What disciplines and/or activities are you involved in? Eventing, Dressage, Show Jumping
Tell us about your current mount(s) and what you do with him/her: My current mount is named Hanover McN, and we do Eventing at the beginner novice level. We love to hack on trail rides, as well!
Tell us about your goals (with Pony Club, with riding, life). My goal is to someday become a professional Eventing trainer and achieve my A level Pony Club certification.
What is your favorite thing about Pony Club? My favorite thing about Pony Club is how the members work together as a team to help each other achieve goals.
What is one thing you would tell younger members first joining Pony Club? I would recommend learning as much as you can by observing upper-level Pony Club members and ask any questions you may have!
What is your favorite way to prep for a Horse Management (HM) certification? I like to study with my fellow Pony Club members in my club and quiz each other before certifications.
If you could try out any other discipline or activity, what would it be and why? I would try barrel racing. I think it looks super fun!
Favorite Pony Club memory: My favorite memory with Pony Club is running my first event at a Pony Club rally back when I was really little, and my teammates were all cheering me on!

What makes you #PonyClubProud? Something that makes me #PonyClubProud is whenever I see so many people come together and try to gain a better knowledge of horsemanship in order to have a better understanding of horses.
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