Pony Club Member Spotlight Peyton D.

Pony Club Member Spotlight: Peyton D.

Age: 14

Club/Region: Cranberry Country Pony Club, Central New England

Years in Pony Club: 3

Current Certification/Certification working on: Currently D-2 and working on D-3

What disciplines and/or activities are you involved in?
Eventing, Dressage, Hunter Seat Equitation/Hunters, Horse Management, Quiz

Pony Club Member Spotlight Peyton D.
Photo Courtesy Peyton D.

Tell us about your current mount(s) and what you do with them:
I have two Morgan geldings that I use for very different disciplines. Flash is my 20-year-young Morgan gelding that I ride and show saddle seat pleasure and equitation and also trail ride for fun. Ike is my 14-year-young Morgan gelding who is my Pony Club mount, and we enjoy jumping, dressage and trail rides together.

Tell us about your goals:
My equestrian goals include moving up the levels within Pony Club for both Horse Management and Eventing. We keep our horses at our home, so it is important for me to learn all that I can to ensure that I am giving them the best care possible and help out as much as I can on my parents’ farm.

What is your favorite thing about Pony Club?
My favorite thing about Pony Club is getting to ride with and learn with other equestrian kids my age. Since we keep our horses at home, that is not something I get to do often, so when we have mounted meetings, I have a lot of fun!

What is one thing you would tell younger members first joining Pony Club?
Pony Club will help you become educated in so many areas other than riding. When I first started taking riding lessons, it was at a barn that tacked up and groomed your horse for you. My mom thought it was important for me to learn about horse care and management, as well as riding, which is why she enrolled me in Pony Club. I have learned so much and enjoy being able to take care of my horses.

Pony Club Member Spotlight Peyton D.
Photo Courtesy Peyton D.

What is your favorite way to prep for a Horse Management certification?
Our club leader hosts prep sessions where we get to do question-and-answer sessions with our friends and use real horses to test our knowledge. Sometimes she will have us go in teams on scavenger hunts for items (like poisonous plants or types of bits), and it’s a lot of fun, and we learn a lot from each other.

If you could try out any other discipline or activity, what would it be and why?
I would love to try polocrosse if I ever got the chance. Our Pony Club was able to watch a polo demonstration at a farm this winter, and it looked so fun. I also play lacrosse, so I think it would be amazing to try polocrosse on horseback!

Pony Club Member Spotlight Peyton D.
Photo Courtesy Peyton D.

Favorite Pony Club memory:
My last D-2 certification with Ike. I was so proud of us!

What makes you #PonyClubProud?
Being a member of Pony Club makes me proud when I get to wear my pin on my coat at horse shows or clinics, and people notice and tell me about how they were once in Pony Club, too!

This Pony Club Member Spotlight on Peyton D. was originally published in the Spring 2022 issue of Discover USPC magazine.
Read more content from that issue.

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The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. (USPC or Pony Club) is the largest equestrian educational organization in North America. Started in 1954, the organization has developed curriculum that teaches safe riding skills and the care of horses through mounted and unmounted lessons. Through Pony Club, members have fun with horses and make lifelong friends while they develop skills, habits, and values that extend well beyond the barn and last a lifetime. Many members apply what they have learned in the USPC program successfully in their careers, educational and volunteer opportunities, and other life pursuits.

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