• In The Spotlight,  National Youth Board,  Pony Club Love

    Regional Youth Board Spotlight: Great Lakes Region

    The Junior Leadership Council of the Great Lakes Region is currently composed of members ranging from the unrated level to the HA level. The JLC aims to increase communication between the Regional Board and its members, while providing member insight and bringing forward new ideas for future GLR activities. The JLC and Regional board benefit from their biannual meetings, where they discuss regional and club events which allows for feedback to the Regional Board directly from the members.

  • In The Spotlight,  National Youth Board,  Pony Club Love

    Regional Youth Board Spotlight: Lake Shore Region

    The Lake Shore Region Youth Board provides annual scholarships for the benefit of its members. The scholarships range from specific disciplines to camps offered by the Youth Board and region, as well as a specific scholarship for members aged 25 and above. During Festival years, scholarship funds are rearranged to offer multiple awards for Championships and Festival, both unmounted and mounted, which significantly reduce the cost of registration. Members can apply for multiple awards but may only receive one. All the scholarships are funded by the silent auction the the Youth Board runs at the regional Quiz rally in March. The baskets in the auction are entirely donated by clubs…

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