Special Events

  • Annual Meetings,  In The Spotlight,  Special Events

    2017 Academy of Achievement and NYC Inductees Announced!

    Every year at The USPC Equine Symposium amd Convention, The National Youth Congress (NYC) convenes for three days. NYC began in 1998 to recognize outstanding Pony Club Members. The NYC delegates are selected by their regions and are provided the opportunity to learn valuable life skills to help them navigate their futures. This year 33 delegates were a part of the three day Congress. Central New England Region– Samantha Baer and Ava Nadeau Camino Real Region– Sarah Barnes and Sophie Buelow Deep South Region– Megan Benton Delmarva Region– Carly Dyal Eastern Pennsylvania Region– Sarah Shaw Great Lakes Region– Alexandra McKinley Hawaii Region– Lindsay Grimshaw and Jenna Neher Inland Empire Region–…

  • Alumni in the News,  Annual Meetings,  In The Spotlight,  Special Events

    Founders Awards Presented at the 2017 Equine Symposium and Convention

    During the 2017 USPC Equine Symposium and Convention held January 26-29 in Los Angeles, California, four individuals were awarded the Founders’ Award, an honor reserved for Pony Club’s most worthy volunteers. This prestigious award is made each year to those who have made a significant contribution to Pony Club at the Local or Regional and National Levels over a period of 20 years or more. The recipients of the Founders Awards for 2017 are: Jan Jenson, Alex Weiss, Shelley Kincaid, and Claire Harmon. Jan Jenson. Jan joined Santa Cruz County Pony Club in 1974 with a leased horse “Charlie”. Her sister was in Pony Club so she “tagged along” for…

  • In The Spotlight,  Special Events,  Tetrathlon

    International Tetrathlon Exchange Recap

    Each year Pony Club offers international exchanges in many disciplines. Most recently there was a Tetrathlon Exchange held in Ireland. Team member Jessica Pieracci (H-B, Golden Hills Pony Club in the Middle California Region) shared her experience in a great recap of the trip! For more information on ALL of the International Exchanges Pony Club offers click HERE. After a week of fun activities such as touring Dublin, Taytos Theme Park, and zip lining, we were ready to start the last leg of our journey—the final competition. Saturday morning we awoke and joined the other countries on the bus with many competitors feeling under the weather and some even feverish.…

  • Foxhunting,  In The Spotlight,  Special Events

    Pony Club Members Win at North American Junior Field Hunter Championships!

    The 2016 North American Junior Field Hunter Championships were hosted by Dr. & Mrs. Jack van Nagell at their own Boone Valley Farm on October 23rd in Lexington, KY. The event, designed for junior riders, is set in the hunt field with participants competing in Hilltopping and First Flight divisions. More than 20 current and former Pony Club members competed and finished in the top ten of some challenging divisions. Hilltop Division Champion Mary Katherine Leveridge, C-1 Traditional, Half-Halt Pony Club, Heartland Region Reserve Champion Cian Yorba, D-2 Traditional, Keeneland Pony Club, Midsouth Region 4th place- Grayson Yorba, D-1 Traditional, Keeneland Pony Club, Midsouth Region 5th place- Madison Elliott, D-3…

  • I Ride! - Pony Club Discipline News,  Pony Club Love,  Special Events

    Benefits of Participating in the InterPacific Exchange

    Pony Club “A’ Traditional member, Nicole Ligon (Pickering Hunt Pony Club in the Eastern Pennsylvania Region) has sent us a story about her experiences participating in the Inter- Pacific Exchange this year. Do you have interest in trying out for a Pony Club exchange program? Get more information HERE! Enjoy! Attaining a position on the USA Inter-Pacific Exchange was at once one of the biggest honors and opportunities I have received through my time in the United States Pony Club. Simply being allowed to apply for the team was humbling; members must be B or A level riders, be willing volunteers and ambassadors for their country, and be capable of…

  • Alumni in the News,  Annual Meetings,  In The Spotlight,  Special Events

    Founders Awards to be Presented at the USPC Annual Meeting and Equine Symposium

    During the 2016 USPC Annual Meeting and Equine Symposium being held February 4-7 in Orlando, Florida, five individuals will be awarded the Founders’ Award, an honor reserved for Pony Club’s most worthy volunteers. This prestigious award is made each year to those who have made a significant contribution to Pony Club at the Local or Regional and National Levels over a period of 20 years or more. The recipients of the Founders Awards for 2015 are: Benjamin Hurt Hardaway III, Alita (Bunny) Hendricks, Nancy Ambrosiano, Michael Amos, and Judith Fannin. Benjamin Hurt Hardaway III. Ben was born in Columbus, Georgia and graduated with a B.S. in Civil engineering at Virginia…

  • Annual Meetings,  In The Spotlight,  Pony Club Love,  Special Events

    USPC Research Project Fair: Expand Your Equine Knowledge!

    Have you ever wondered why horses behave a certain way? Are you curious about how different approaches to horse care might affect your horse’s health or performance? Do you have questions about how or why certain horse management practices are preferred over others? Did studying for a recent Pony Club certification spark your interest to learn more about a particular horse sport, aspect of horse care, or riding concept? Are you interested in developing a strategy to learn more about a specific question you have about your horse? If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, then the Pony Club Research Project Fair is for YOU!! The Research Project…

  • "Say What?" Quiz,  Dressage,  Eventing,  Play Games,  Polocrosse,  Show Jumping,  Special Events,  Tetrathlon,  Western

    Texting at Championships East 2015

    With all the technology available in this day and age it’s easy to get a little overwhelmed with information but this is one service you’ll want to subscribe to during Championships East 2015. Hear all of the late breaking news for Championships East! Everything from last minute changes to competition schedules, find out when and where scores are posted, change of venues, and emergency weather notifications. Make sure to sign-up to for the topics that YOU want to keep up with! Have mom and dad sign up too so they’re in the loop as well. Simply text the appropriate discipline keywords (listed below) to 81010! Shortly after you will receive…

  • "Say What?" Quiz,  Dressage,  Eventing,  I Ride! - Pony Club Discipline News,  In The Spotlight,  Play Games,  Polocrosse,  Show Jumping,  Special Events,  Tetrathlon,  Western

    Championships East is Almost Here!

    Look out! From July 22nd to the 26th The Virginia Horse Center in Lexington, VA will be invaded by USPC Championships East. Disciplines include: Eventing, Tetrathlon, Show Jumping, Quiz, Games, Polocrosse, and Dressage (including Western Dressage). The entries are already opened, but don’t miss out, the closing date is MONDAY July 6th at NOON EST. Get your entries in today! Awesome CHMJ, Board Member, and Crazy Sock aficionado, Yvette Seger, did a fabulous webinar regarding Championships East. It can be viewed at this link! There is lots to see and do in Lexington, Virginia including; Natural Bridge, a ghost tour of Lexington, golf, many historic attrations, and the Zoo. For…

  • Pony Club Love,  Special Events

    Join the Plus 1 Challenge! Radnor Hunt Pony Club has!

    The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. is hosting a Plus 1 Challenge for the 2015/2016 years. The Plus 1 Challenge was created to encourage members to stay in Pony Club and to improve recruitment of new members. Making growth a priority will benefit everyone in your club or center and increase a base of parents and volunteers willing to share in the duties needed to run a successful club or center. Membership for 2015 is tallied from September 1st, 2014 through August 31, 2015. The region with the largest increase in membership during 2015 will receive a $1,500 grant towards a Horse Management Clinic/Activity of their choice. The top 10…

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