Member Spotlight: Aiden Beaubien
Age: 12
Club/Region: Telesis Equestrian Pony Club Riding Center in the Southern California Region
Years in Pony Club: 2
Current certification (and/or certification currently working on): D-3 HM, D-2 EV, D-2 DR
What disciplines and/or activities are you involved in?
Eventing, Dressage, Show Jumping, Horse Management, Quiz
Tell us about your current mount(s) and what you do with them:
My mount, Minnie, is amazing! We do so much together in Pony Club and outside Pony Club. We are jumpers and were selected to represent the Inland Empire Hunter Jumper Association in Vegas this year! This is such an exciting but nerve-racking adventure. We also go on lots of trail rides with my mom and brother.

Tell us about your goals (with Pony Club, with riding, and life):
Our goal is to qualify for the USPC Championships in Show Jumping and Dressage. My pony and I are also going to try to qualify for Pony Finals next year. Aside from riding horses, I focus on my schoolwork, because it is very important to also have a good education.
What is your favorite thing about Pony Club?
My favorite thing about Pony Club is that I get to learn more and more about horses. I want to be an equine veterinarian one day, and with Pony Club you learn so much.
What is one thing you would tell younger members first joining Pony Club?
I would tell them to always have fun and don’t give up, even when there are obstacles. [Aiden also wrote an article for Pony Club, “Why You Should Join Pony Club: A Youth Member’s Perspective.”
What is your favorite way to prep for a Horse Management (HM) certification?
My favorite way to prepare myself for a HM certification is to get finished with my study guide and check it over. Then I review it a lot.
If you could try out any other discipline or activity, what would it be and why?
I would like to Vaulting, because it looks like a really big challenge, and I always like a challenge.
Favorite Pony Club memory:
My favorite Pony Club memory is when I got to take my D-2 Eventing certification with our Southern California Region supervisor, Tauni. Tauni opened the door for me to be able to compete in cross-country and Show Jumping, which is my favorite thing to do. I loved jumping the castle at the Fall Brook Rider’s Field.
What makes you #PonyClubProud?
I am proud to be a part of Pony Club because it allows me and other kids to have so many opportunities. For example, over the summer I got to go on a Pony Club field trip and learn all about horseshoes and shoeing. I am really looking forward to going to the racetrack and getting to go behind the scenes.
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