USPC Festival 2021 Arrival Checklist

Welcome and congratulations to all the 2021 USPC Championships Competitors. Below is vital information to help you plan and prepare for your arrival at the Kentucky Horse Park (KHP). If you are not familiar with the KHP, click here for a map.

Arriving at the Kentucky Horse ParkMove-in Hours
Monday, July 1912:00 Noon – 10:00 PM
Tuesday, July 207:00 AM – 10:00 AM

All mounts must have a negative Coggins test issued within 12 months (dated after 7/24/20). Out of state horses must have a certificate of veterinary health issued within 30 days (dated after 6/24/21), and in-state horses must have a certificate of veterinary health issues within 12 months of arrival (dated after 7/24/20)

All paperwork will be checked upon arrival. Please have your paperwork handy when entering the park to help the flow of traffic.

When entering the park for move-in, all vehicles should enter through the main KHP entrance gate. Passenger vehicles should stay in the left lane and all trailers carrying horses must use the right lane. Trailers will be routed to the right into the staging area where they will proceed to the veterinary paperwork check and receive their stall assignments if they do not have them already. Please be prepared to wait in a line during move-in.

Be sure to unload your trailers as efficiently as possible. All trailers will be parked in trailer parking behind the Alltech Arena.

There will be no arrivals before July 19th at 12:00 noon and all members who are not staying for education must have their stalls stripped and moved out by 7:00 am on July 24.

Parking Passes
Attendees must purchase a $15 event parking pass from the front gate of the KHP. This pass must always be displayed and is valid for the duration of the event (July 19 – 26). Vehicles choosing to not purchase an event pass will be required to pay a daily $5 parking fee.

Stabling assignments will be emailed and posted on the USPC Festival Website on Monday, July 19th. All teams will have a Tack Room and a Feed Stall. Team stalls are assigned in blocks and the team will determine their configuration within the block. As a reminder, all stalls must be stripped upon departure. Participants who do not strip their stall will have their deposit checks cashed.

Hay, Bedding, Stall Mats, and Turnout
Hay, bedding, stall mats, and paddocks can be pre-purchased or rented through Devers at the Kentucky Horse Park. Click here to reserve a paddock. To reserve hay, stall mats, bedding, and more click here.

USPC Festival Event Website
The USPC Festival Event Website is now available online. This site is mobile-friendly and will house ALL valuable information including schedules, maps, sponsors, awards, competition results, recorded briefings, and more. We encourage all attendees, parents, to check out, in preparation for Festival and throughout the event for any scheduling changes or results postings.

We are so excited to see everyone at Championships!

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