2019 IMGE- Adventures from Team Canada and Team Australia
The 2019 International Mounted Games Exchange is being hosted by USPC, July 25-August 9. Teams from the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia will join the United States team for two weeks of training, competing, and cultural experiences. Follow along with team members as they recount their experiences. Thanks to Team Canada and Team Australia, here are a few of their amazing cultural experiences

From Team Canada- Saturday started with a trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. While touring the museum we met the paleontologist on staff who was working on a significant local dinosaur find. Found in May of this year, the Triceratops skull was being cleaned of excess rock. It was a very large find for the area and a construction site was brought to a standstill when it was discovered. The paleontologist was very interesting to talk to. We were delighted to learn he had also visited the biggest museum of Canadian Dinosaurs: The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, Alberta.

While we were there we were treated to a special exhibit of Leonardo Da Vinci. He lived from 1452 to 1519 and was famous for anatomy, engineering, science and the arts.
From Team Australia- On Sunday morning we left Denver University, where we are staying, and spent a few hours in Boulder, Colorado. Team members were turned loose to enjoy free time in the Pearl Street Mall where they had time to buy presents for back home family and friends.

We then bused to Estes Park in the Rocky Mountains, which sits at an elevation of 2283m above sea level, so in essence we are giving them high altitude training, haha. It is absolutely beautiful here, we have been warned to keep our windows shut so the bears don’t come in overnight. Tonights adventure includes a trek into the woods in complete darkness where we should see a meteor shower.