Merck Animal Health; EPM: The Master of Disguise

merck-november-16Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is often referred to as the “master of disguise” because it can look like many other neurological diseases or even obscure lameness. This is why it is critical to have your veterinarian conduct a thorough physical and neurological exam and appropriate diagnostic work up to confirm EPM. Treating without a diagnosis can be frustrating.

If you’re concerned about EPM, talk to your veterinarian and keep the following risk factors in mind:

• Mature horses are more commonly affected than very young horses
• There is a higher incidence among horses used for racing, western performance and other strenuous activities
• Events such as long-distance transportation, concurrent illness, or strenuous exercise increase the risk because they can suppress the horse’s immune system
• Increased numbers of cases are identified during late summer and fall
• Risk is increased on premises where horse feed is not protected from opossums and/or pet food is left in the barn, which can attract them
• Barns and pastures in close proximity to wooded terrain are more likely to attract opossums
• Horses residing on farms with a history of EPM cases are at increased risk

If you suspect EPM, talk to your veterinarian right away about the benefits of PROTAZIL® (1.56% diclazuril). Horses that are diagnosed early and treated aggressively have the best chance for recovery. For more information on EPM and PROTAZIL, visit

Important Safety Information
Use of Protazil® (1.56% dicazuril) is contraindicated in horses with known hypersensitivity to diclazuril. Safe use in horses used for breeding purposes, during pregnancy, or in lactating mares has not been evaluated. The safety of Protazil® (1.56% dicazuril) with concomitant therapies in horses has not been evaluated. For use in horses only. Do not use in horses intended for human consumption. Not for human use. Keep out of reach of children. For complete information, refer to the product label.

Copyright © 2016 Intervet Inc., d/b/a Merck Animal Health, a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc.

The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. (USPC or Pony Club) is the largest equestrian educational organization in North America. Started in 1954, the organization has developed curriculum that teaches safe riding skills and the care of horses through mounted and unmounted lessons. Through Pony Club, members have fun with horses and make lifelong friends while they develop skills, habits, and values that extend well beyond the barn and last a lifetime. Many members apply what they have learned in the USPC program successfully in their careers, educational and volunteer opportunities, and other life pursuits.

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