• women riding horses for article on equestrian land advocacy
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    Effective Advocacy for Equestrian Land Access

    Advocacy is the act of publicly speaking, writing, or recommending on behalf of or in support of an idea, action, cause, policy, or proposal. It can also be specifically helping someone to achieve their needs related to their rights. Let’s talk about advocating for what your equine community needs and how to do it. For equestrians, access to land, facilities, and trails is a cause to embrace.

  • Foxhunting

    Tally ho! Foxhunting in Pony Club

    Foxhunting is all about the thrill of the chase. Riding horseback with a pack of hounds across the open countryside is an exhilarating experience. The hunt may include crossing creeks and streams, jumping logs and other natural obstacles, and navigating through fields, woods, and all kinds of terrain. Best of all, foxhunting is a sport that all ages and levels of riders can enjoy. Since 1954, the United States Pony Clubs, Inc. has maintained a close relationship with the world of foxhunting. This can be traced to the fact that most of the early Pony Clubs in the United States had direct ties to hunts and hunting people. The four…

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