Horse Management is Calling: Becoming a Pony Club Judge
Learn what’s involved in becoming a USPC Horse Management Judge and how the process works.
Cold Weather Grooming Tips
Grooming your horse in the winter takes a little more elbow grease than in summer. The routine and grooming steps are the same, but you must account for longer hair and no option to bathe if it’s too cold where you live. However, there are ways to deep-clean your fuzzy horse in cold weather.
How to Change Your Horse’s Nutrition to Suit Workload
Horses spend 10 to 17 hours grazing daily, and good horse management reflects a similar set-up. Horses should have access to forage (hay and grass) for most of the day. All forages, no matter how nice, are going to be deficient in some nutrients.
How to Score Your Horse’s Body Condition
Any time of year is a great time to body condition score your horses and ponies and evaluate if you should make any important diet and management changes so that your horse is as healthy and fit as he can be.
Nutrition for the Working Senior Horse
It’s no surprise that our horses are living longer and staying more active than ever before. The combination of progressive veterinary care, parasite control, improved dental management, and nutritionally advanced feeds have made it possible for many horses to live well into their 30s.
Effective Advocacy for Equestrian Land Access
Advocacy is the act of publicly speaking, writing, or recommending on behalf of or in support of an idea, action, cause, policy, or proposal. It can also be specifically helping someone to achieve their needs related to their rights. Let’s talk about advocating for what your equine community needs and how to do it. For equestrians, access to land, facilities, and trails is a cause to embrace.
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Grooming Your Horse
When you develop a grooming routine during your daily barn chores and riding, it can be easy to fall into some bad habits or forget about an important step. Here’s a list of mistakes to avoid while grooming your horse and what you can do instead.
- Horse Management, I Ride! - Pony Club Discipline News, Pony Club Blog, Safety, Tips From Pony Club Pros, USPC Championships, USPC Festival
Show-Stopping Biosecurity: A Horse Show Veterinarian’s Personal Experiences
Sometimes biosecurity measures at a horse show and at home barns get neglected. We underestimate the potential impact to our horses’ health, along with the economic impacts to owners and the industry. The necessary measures will continue to require leadership, time, education, routine preventive care and public awareness. Learn biosecurity tips from an expert veterinarian at Zoetis Equine.
What Do Sunrises and Equine Joint Health Have in Common?
All horses are suspectable to joint wear and tear in their lives. In this blog by Holly Helbig, DVM, Equine Technical Services Veterinarian, Zoetis, learn some of the signs of deteriorating joint health, and what you can do to help prevent it.
How Pony Club Prepares You for a Horse Show
The whole purpose of Pony Club’s Required Equipment List is to create well-prepared individuals. You never know what will happen—whether it’s a piece of tack that breaks, an item that gets lost, or a person or a horse that ends up injured—and that is why being prepared is so important.