A young woman riding her horse through a trail obstacle.

Member Spotlight: Brooke DeCant

This Pony Club Member Spotlight, brought to you by Kentucky Performance Products, features Brooke DeCant, an all-around rider from Crescent Bay Pony Club in the Old Dominion Region.

Age: 24

Club/Region: Crescent Bay Pony Club/Old Dominion

Years in Pony Club: 16

Current certification (and/or certification currently working on): H-B Horse Management, C-3 Eventing

What disciplines and/or activities are you involved in?
Eventing, Dressage, Show Jumping, Hunter Seat Equitation, Trail, Polocrosse, Games, Horse Management, and Quiz

Two young women and their horses smiling at the camera.
Photo Courtesy Brooke DeCant

Tell us about your current mount(s) and what you do with them:
My main mount is Rock the Sea. She is a 14-year-old Thoroughbred that competes in everything. She started as my Polocrosse mount, and I have now done almost every discipline in Pony Club with her, from Dressage and Eventing to Mounted Games and Trail.

Tell us about your goals (with Pony Club, with riding, and life):
I would love to become a lifetime member of USPC and to continue holding positions on various committees. Currently, I serve on the Competitions Committee.

Pony Club member Brooke DeCant standing at the base of a Cross-Country jump, smiling at the camera.
Photo Courtesy Brooke DeCant

What is your favorite thing about Pony Club?
Having access to so many disciplines and meeting new people.

What is one thing you would tell younger members about joining Pony Club?
Be the scramble rider. You will meet so many new and fun people when you change up your competition dynamics. I would also say to pursue National Youth Council and National Youth Board. These opportunities open so many doors and networks for future equine activities.

What is your favorite way to prepare for a Horse Management certification?
Reading the manuals and having someone quiz me, or even competing in Quiz.

If you could try out any other discipline or activity, what would it be and why?
It would be any that Pony Club offers. I love challenging myself and my horse with new disciplines. Maybe one day I will compete in Driving.

Favorite Pony Club memory:
Being the first rider to enter the Saturday Upper-Level Member Showcase during the USPC Championships. My mare, Roxy, didn’t spook during the loud announcements for the showcase, so we became the babysitter horse that helped everyone go in the arena. Getting to greet the crowd and show off is definitely my favorite thing.

Pony Club member Brooke DeCant on a horse, going over a jump.
Photo Courtesy Brooke DeCant

What makes you #PonyClubProud?
Having the Horse Management knowledge to help others outside of Pony Club. I have so much confidence from being an independent rider/competitor.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
Advice for others; Pony Club will help you in life in more ways than just with horses. It will help you develop confidence and be strong and independent. Remember to help others in and out of Pony Club, and tell everyone about this amazing organization!

Thank you to our latest USPC Member Spotlight Brooke DeCant. Want to be featured in a future Member Spotlight? Fill out the form here.

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