• In The Spotlight,  International Exchanges

    2018 International Tetrathlon Exchange- Team Manager Katie

    The 2018 International Tetrathlon Exchange will be hosted by USPC, July 13-30 in North Carolina. Teams from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Australia will join the United States teams for two weeks of training, competing, and cultural experiences. The International Tetrathlon Championships will be held in conjunction with the 2018 USPC East Coast Tetrathlon Championships. If you are interested in supporting the 2018 International Tetrathlon Team, visit: HERE and select “International Exchange – Tetrathlon: Strassburger Fund” under the ‘Designation’ Tab. Its time to meet the US teams! Meet Team Manager Katie Graham Katie lives in Santa Barbara, California where she and her husband play polo, hunt with the Santa Ynez…

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