2018 International Tetrathlon Exchange- Meet Colin
The 2018 International Tetrathlon Exchange will be hosted by USPC, July 13-30 in North Carolina. Teams from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Australia will join the United States teams for two weeks of training, competing, and cultural experiences. The International Tetrathlon Championships will be held in conjunction with the 2018 USPC East Coast Tetrathlon Championships.
If you are interested in supporting the 2018 International Tetrathlon Team, visit: HERE and select “International Exchange – Tetrathlon: Strassburger Fund” under the ‘Designation’ Tab.
Its time to meet the US teams!
Meet Colin Gafney
Colin is a ‘B’ Traditional member from Bath Pony Club in the Tri-State Region. He has been a member of the United States Pony Clubs for thirteen years and has competed in Tetrathlon for ten years. Colin’s favorite phase of Tetrathlon is Swimming. Colin’s best Pony Club memory is from 2016
when he represented USPC in Ireland during the International Tetrathlon Exchange. He is looking forward to seeing people from the last exchange again and meeting new people during the 2018 International Tetrathlon Exchange!